Critiques, Reviews & Professional Analyses of Babywise and Preparation for Parenting

Medical Concerns

AAP Media Alert | PDF version
American Academy of Pediatrics Statement on Parent Directed Feeding Schedules

Examining the Evidence for Cue Feeding (PDF file)
by Jan Barger, RN, MS, IBCLC and Lisa Marasco, MA, IBCLC

Getting Wise to Babies (PDF file, 2004)
by Dr. Ian Harrison, MB, BS, FRANZCP (Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists)

Conflicting Messages--A Review of Babywise 2001 | Printer-friendly version
by Kathy Thile

What to Make of Babywise -- (PDF file)
Childbirth Instructor Journal, Nov/Dec 1999, Patty Donohue-Carey, BS, LCCE, CLE

BabyWise? BeWary! Who is Gary Ezzo and why... (PDF file)
Tulsa Kids, part one, by Cindy Webb, B.S.

BabyWise? BeWary! What Ezzo Doesn't Know About Child Development... (PDF file)
Tulsa Kids, part two, by Cindy Webb, B.S.

Scheduled Feedings
Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC, explains how babies' feedings fit into real life

Parenting Experiment
by Mary Ann Griffin, RN, CNM and Jan Barger, RN, MA, IBCLC

Thirty-five unsubstantiated and/or false medical statements in Babywise '95
by Matthew Aney, M.D.

Religious Parenting Programs: Their Relationship to Child Abuse Prevention
The Child Abuse Prevention Council of Orange County
Parenting Program Committee Report, Preparation for Parenting portion, May 14 1996

Problems with the 45-minute intruder portions of the 2001 Babywise
by Laurie Moody, lactation counselor and former GFI volunteer "contact mom"

Sheila Kitzinger's Letter from Europe: Boot Camps for Babies
BIRTH: Issues in Perinatal Care, March 2006

Whats the Fuss over Babywise and Preparation for Parenting?
by Tyler Horner, Ph. D.

Analysis of GFI's information on co-sleeping and SIDS
from 1997, an analysis of a then-current GFI article may still be useful

Babywise--Not So Wise
by Moire Porter, article first appeared in The Early Childhood Educator, Winter 2001

Dangers of "Crying it Out"
by Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D., professor of psychology at University of Notre Dame, writing in Psychology Today, Dec 2011 (This is an indirect critique that amasses research-based information about crying in babies from a secular perspective.)

Theological Concerns

More than a Parenting Ministry
by Kathleen Terner and Elliot Miller, Christian Research Journal

The Ethics of Ezzo
by Tony Payne, Matthias Media (despite the title, the article is about how Ezzo uses the Bible in his presentation.)

An Evaluation of Ezzo Parenting Programs  | PDF file
by Dr. Kent McClain

On Becoming Childwise: A Critique
by Laurie Moody

Growing Kids the Ezzo Way
by Dr. Philip Ryken, 10th Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia

Growing Kids God's Way -- Not Ezzo's
On the Cultic Mindset, Ezzoism, and Sleeping Through the Night
by Dr. Bob Bixby, Morningstar Baptist Church

A Critique of Growing Kids God's Way
Biblical Discernment Ministries

Religious Parenting Programs: Their Relationship to Child Abuse Prevention
The Child Abuse Prevention Council of Orange County
Parenting Program Committee Report, theological section May 14 1996

Letter to the Elders about Preparation for Parenting Class
Steve Rein's letter to his church elders after attending this class

Mothering in the Shadow of the Cross
by Rebecca Prewett

Scheduling, Routine, Flexibility, and Responsiveness: Muddling through the Maze of Conflicting Baby Advice
by Rebecca Prewett

Woman to Woman
by Helen Aardsma

Whose Way, After All?
by Barbara Curtis

Unto the Least of These
booklet by Rebecca Lewis

Preparation for Behavioral Pediatrics
by Rebecca Prewett

Some Concerns about the Ezzo Method
by Rebecca Prewett

In Response
by Rebecca Prewett (responds to Ezzo's rebuttal of above article--unfortunately no longer available on-line)

Strict Parenting Schedules
from the Couple to Couple league

Neo-Evangelizing the Catholic Parent with an Alien Gospel
by Dr. Thomas and Jacintha Mezzetti
(Protestant parents may find much of value in this critique as well.)

Double Messages

  • To Feed
  • Or Not
"But Ezzo says to feed a hungry baby": Yes, but this is trumped by warnings about the baby's metabolism if feedings aren't spaced properly. I remember being worried that my baby's metabolism and everything else would be screwed up when I fed her early. How sad to RELUCTANTLY feed your baby, because you're scared that the feeding will damage her!

--former user

[Babywise] does say to feed them if you really think they are hungry but twists it in a way to say that if you think they are hungry before 2.5 hours you are probably wrong, and if you are wrong and feed them anyway, you are failing.

--former user