A Statement Regarding Gary Ezzo and Growing Families International (revised)

The following is a revised version of the public statement Grace Community Church is making about GFI and Gary Ezzo:

A Statement Regarding Gary Ezzo and Growing Families International

Grace Community Church is no longer affiliated in any way with Growing Families International (GFI). For several years we have had growing concerns about GFI's undue stress on non-biblical matters. For example, we see no biblical basis for the stance GFI takes on infant feeding methods.

A corresponding effect of the stress on non-biblical issues is that important biblical issues, particularly the doctrine of depravity and the child's need for regeneration, do not, in our opinion, receive sufficient emphasis. When the doctrine of human depravity is dealt with, it is sometimes handled in a confusing fashion.

We are also troubled about a divisive tendency we have seen associated with GFI, beginning with parents who isolate their children from others not trained in GFI principles. That can lead to an elitist attitude, which has proved to be a threat to unity in several churches--including our own.

We have shared these and other concerns with Gary Ezzo, and do not believe it would be helpful for us to make any further public statements about these matters.

Best Practices

AAP Info For Parents:
How often to Breastfeed
Supply and Demand
Sleeping through the Night
A Message for Dads

Professional Best Practice Guidelines:
AAP Policy Statement on Breastfeeding
Best Practices Guidelines
of the Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne AU

Also helpful:
How Does Milk Production Work?
by Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC