Unto the Least of These--Myth 4
Babies should be sleeping through the night by
6-8 weeks, and if they aren't they can be taught
to sleep through the night by letting them cry when
they wake up at night instead of going in and helping
This is one of the most pervasive myths around.
If so many people believe it and say it worked for
them it has got to be true, right? That's exactly
what I thought until my husband I became traveling
supervisors of missionary families on the field.
As we traveled from family to family, sometimes
staying as long as two weeks, we were astounded
by the number of parents, and siblings too, that
slept through the regular patterns of night crying
of their babies.
The babies usually cried 15-45 minutes before returning to sleep. One baby, who was sick at the time, woke up over 15 times. We assumed the parents were attempting to comfort him at first, but in the morning they were both surprised at our sympathy over their baby's crying because neither of them had heard anything, nor had their older daughters.
Adults are even more adept than children or babies at sleeping through noises they have determined not to respond to while still being able to wake with a jolt if the floor board creaks.
One day, I was expressing my amazement to my own parents at all the families that were sleeping through the crying of their babies (peacefully sure that their babies had been ``taught" to sleep through the night). ``We are not surprised," my father said. ``When you girls were babies [my older sister and I are only 11 months apart in age], we decided that Mommie would get up with you and I would get up with Beth, when you cried at night. In a couple weeks, I would only wake up when Beth cried and your mother would only wake up when you cried. The human mind's sound screening ability when asleep is truly amazing!" No wonder an adult can sleep through a crying baby (or snoring partner or passing train) and yet wake up with a jolt if the doorknob turns!
One study, done with time-lapse video tape, established that most babies wake up twice a night (between the times of 10 pm and 5 am (which was the only time period they filmed), until around the age of six months, and once during this time period, between the ages of 6 months and a year. Whether the parents responded to the child or not did not appear to change the number of times the child woke up, and those babies who were comforted returned to sleep much more quickly than those who were not. Breast-fed babies woke up slightly more frequently than bottlefed, though bottle-fed babies had a higher incidence of colic which sometimes resulted in multiple night wakings or restlessness.
Some parents have found that they cannot quickly learn to sleep through their babies cries (or, from their perspective, that their baby is not learning quickly or consistently not to wake up and cry at night). Some of these parents, to save themselves sleep and to have freedom from grief or guilt feelings, will put the baby where they have no chance of hearing him if he cries: in the attic, basement, or kitchen. One family I know which followed this procedure, had two out of their three children die of SIDS as babies - in the basement! I consider it nothing short of abusive for even a well-meaning parent to save their own feelings at the expense of their helpless baby's feelings. Matthew 9: 36 says that when Jesus saw the crowds ``he had compassion on them for they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." How much more should we have compassion on a ``harassed and helpless" infant, who, for whatever reason, is having trouble sleeping.
Objection: My baby wakes up so much at night it is driving us all crazy and ruining my marriage! I have no alternative. Besides, what other way is there to get a baby to sleep better?
you happen to have a baby that is a poor night sleeper,
I would recommend that you try to solve the problem
that is causing the waking instead of ignoring
the baby's distress, or merely accepting the
multiple and ruining your health, the family's health
and ending up with a cranky baby during the day.
Try the following:
1)Make sure that your baby is healthy (have
the doctor check him for diaper rash, yeast infection,
pin worms, earache, teething, constipation, urinary
tract infection, hernia, etc.) A sick baby can not
be expected to sleep well. One especially fussy
baby I know turned out to have diabetes. Poor weight
gain is one good indicator that something may be
wrong healthwise.
2) Make sure that the place your baby sleeps
is conducive to sleep. Some babies, like some
adults, are much more sensitive to light and sound
while asleep. As much as possible make sure the
place is dark, quiet, and warm. Running a vaporizor
or humidifier can create low level background noise
that helps some babies sleep better. Wrapping a
baby securely in a blanket also can be helpful,
especially if you nurse the baby sitting up then
try to put it down in bed. Some babies are helped
by putting them swaddled to sleep on their side
with their back and top of their head firmly wedged
into the padded corner of their bed.
2)Make sure that he is not eating anything that
is giving him an upset stomach... Even if you only
nurse, many things pass through to the milk
and cause sleep disturbances.
My doctor laughed at this ``old wives tale"
but I was sold after I was able to ``cure"
my first baby of colic, and constant crying or whimpering,
merely by removing milk from MY diet (I was nursing
him). Each time I reintroduced milk products to
my diet, the colic would return. When I tried him
on yogurt, after weaning him, he would soon throw-up
Through the process of eliminating some foods and reintroducing them one by one you can see how they affect your child. Allow a 24 hr. period for any reaction and a three day minimum period to clear your system of any commonly eaten food before expecting to see noticeable improvement in the baby.
Foods that are most likely to be causing problems are: milk products (including yogurt, cheese etc. and in severe cases, butter); spicy foods, gas producing foods (beans, brocolli, cabbage, onions, green peppers, etc.), highly allergenic foods (including tomatoes, citrus fruits, strawberries, corn, eggs, wheat, chocolate, nuts- especially peanuts.), and foods or medicines containing caffeine or other anti-drowsiness drugs. [Note: when eliminating a food, you must also eliminate any products with that food as an ingredient: for example, milk products occur in many baked goods. Sometimes these combination foods may be reintroduced when the baby still cannot tolerate you eating the food straight.]
Using this process I was able to determine that my second son's night restlessness (he had no colic, and napped well) was due to my eating of apples, and my daughter was kept awake by my eating catsup distress and tomato products. Happy by-products of the process (in addition to cheerful babies and more sleep) was that I was able to clear up my daughter's horrible infant acne by eliminating peanuts and butter from my diet, and discover that my own lifelong problem with heartburn was due to milk intolerance! Over the years I have seen many babies helped by this process, so it is worth a try.
Put your baby to sleep either right next to your
bed or with you, if your bed is big enough and
your mate is willing. You don't have to worry that
sleeping with or close to your baby will cause him
any harm or is a weird outgrowth of the hippie/New
Age/Back-to-Nature movements. Close to 80% of the
population of the world still sleeps together, as
did most Americans until the Industrial Revolution.
[This can be easily seen in books like the Little
House on the Prairie series, where baby Grace
sleeps with the parents until she is over two years
old, at which time her father makes her a little
trundle box to sleep in beside their bed.] Even
in highly educated and industrialized countries
like Japan, where there is not room for every baby
to have his own room, the babies sleep with or by
the mother with no negative effect on their intelligence,
obedience or sexual orientation.
The idea is to have the baby close enough so that
you do not have to get up to comfort it at
night, or nurse it if it is hungry. Patting the
baby, swinging its cradle, or nursing can often
calm even a sick baby before it gets into a full
cry. Just having the baby close can help you gain
understanding as to what his problem may be, and
what his waking pattern is. Unless he has problems
with diaper rash, or has soiled his diaper, do not
change the baby's diaper at night or do anything
else that would significantly wake him to establish
a night waking pattern. Some women have found that
the little extra expense of using a paper diaper
at night (which are more absorbent than cloth) is
well worth it, because they keep the baby's skin
dry all night even when not changed.
babies are born ``jet lagged"... sleeping
all day, awake all night. These babies can be helped
by getting sunshine, light and air during the day-don't
let them sleep it away - and keeping them in the
dark and quiet even when they are awake at night.
Put them in bed with you if they wake up a night,
but don't get up and turn on the lights/TV or anything
else that will make it seem like morning. This method
also helps get rid of real baby jet-lag when you
are traveling long distances.
6)Help your baby to get ready for the night
by establishing a fairly long recognizable bedtime
routine: a warm bath, rocking and nursing in a dark
place, even humming or singing a soothing lullaby
or having your own ``quiet time" by reading
the Bible out loud while you rock the baby. As your
child gets older, this time develops naturally into
the time when you read stories and pray with the
child - so no need to fear starting something you
won't wish to continue!
7)Poor sleepers are usually babies that have
a low pain/sound threshold and a hard time blocking
out sensory stimulation. Not surprisingly, the same
processes that adults use to block out pain or noise
work with babies. Rocking is one of the most helpful,
and automatic baby swings, baby back packs, and
cradles all make use of the mind-dulling effect
of rocking. Colicky babies also benefit from pressure
to the tummy area - by carrying them slung over
the shoulder (with the pressure of the shoulder
on the tummy area), putting them face down on your
knees and jostling them as the knee puts pressure
on their abdomen, or putting a warmish (not hot)
water bottle under their tummy. ``White noise"
makers, like the previously mentioned vaporizors
or fans pointed away from the baby, are also good
for helping them tune out their environment.
8)Pray together as parents for the Lord to give
you discernment into the needs and problems
of your child.
The most important thing to remember is that your
baby is not waking up at night on purpose, any
more than adults with insomnia wake up on purpose.
Your goal needs to be to help him sleep, not wash
your hands of his problem. Most babies will not
sleep through the night on a consistent basis until
they are more active physically during the day (i.e.
they can walk) and they are eating solid foods,
especially proteins.