Feb 17, 1998 Wall Street Journal article "Striking Behavior"
...Ezzo says the accusations in the Letter of Concern are "wild." A lot of people are upset, he says, because he and his wife are displacing them as the "authority" on child-rearing.
April 20, 1998. AAP MEDIA ALERT titled "AAP Addresses Scheduled Feedings vs. Demand Feedings" affirmed the American Academy of Pediatrics' support for cue feeding and reiterated the AAP position that "scheduled feedings designed by parents may put babies at risk for poor weight gain and dehydration."
April, 1998 "Babywise Advice Linked to Dehydration, Failure-to-Thrive" by Matthew Aney, MD, AAP News, Volume 14, No. 4, p 21
Spring 1998-- 3rd edition of Babywise
published. This edition recommends
feedings at 2 1/2 to 3 hour intervals (though most examples
still refer to 3 hours) in the first 8 weeks, a plan that yields
8-9.6 parent-directed feedings in 24 hours. (The AAP recommends infants be fed in response to hunger cues yielding 8-12 times daily on average.)
View quotes from the '98 edition
August 6, 1998 -- SalonGetting Wise to Babywise feature article includes a statement by Dr. Richard Ferber rebutting Ezzo's ideas on continuous nighttime sleep for small babies:
Sleep Disorders at Children's Hospital and the author of the bestselling "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems" (Simon and Schuster). [rebuts Ezzo] "Parents shouldn't expect babies to sleep that long that early, although a very few will on their own and in that case, you may sometimes need to actually wake them to feed them," says Ferber. "There is no good evidence that babies that young can go that long without a feeding."
The Salon article also addresses the issue of documentation and research:
August 1998 "Pediatric News" column in Child Magazine: "Baby-care book could be dangerous", an opinion piece by the Drs. Zuckerman
September 11-13, 1998: Annual American Academy of Pediatrics Chapter Forum passes AAP Resolution # 53SC (98)"Evaluating Infant Management Programs". It noted that the PDF feeding schedule is "inconsistent with AAP recommendations" and that "over 100 health care professionals across the country including 19 AAP fellows have asked the Academy for feedback on [GFI's] potentially harmful program". It resolved that "the Academy continually evaluate infant management programs such as Preparation for Parenting and On Becoming BABYWISE and regularly report its findings."
--Gary Ezzo in 1999 BBC television interview
Ezzo and CRI
June 30, 1998 CRI cover story, More Than A Parenting Ministry published. Summary from 11-page article:
The article also presented evidence that the Ezzos tend to attack anyone who criticizes or questions to them.
July 29, 1998-- Ezzo complained to Hank Hanegraaf, president of
CRI, that the article was "gossip-dependent,
and tainted with duplicity and half-truths." and
asked for a personal meeting to discuss the matter,
suggesting Ken Sande of Peacemaker Ministries as an observer.
Ezzo noted, "Mr. Sande was extremely helpful in
bringing resolution to the Grace Church/GFI conflict
last year...."
Source: GFI
document: A Response to the Christian Research Institute
July 30, 1998--GFI's website published a "preliminary response" claiming that CRI's More Than A Parenting Ministry article was an
August & September 1998--Letters sent back and forth between Ezzo and CRI staff: Ezzo pressed for a private meeting with CRI head Hank Hanegraaf to discuss his complaints about the More Than A Parenting Ministry article and CRI responded by asking Ezzo to provide evidence in writing of the alleged misquotes and lies to establish a 'warrant and basis' for a meeting.
October 26, 1998GFI responded
to CRI's article on their website and in their print
magazine, "The Community Perspective". It is archived
1 Section
2 Section
3 Conclusion
On the subject of accountability, this response insisted:
This was followed by an admission:
From the GFI website, an example of Ezzo's approach to accountability:
Editorial note: LHEF's pastor, Dave Maddox was listed as a staff member of GFI along with 2 of the 3 elders (source: GFI website staff page). Nevertheless, when this accountability structure recommended a course of action to Ezzo to repair broken family relationships, he balked. And when they excommunicated Ezzo, he expressed second thoughts about their biblical qualifications for leadership. Yet Maddox's position was described in GFI materials published in 1997 as "ethical and theological advisor to Growing Families International"]
Fall 1998: CRI published "A Matter of Bias?" to respond to Ezzo:
January 28, 1999GFI issued a statement
on their website, reiterating their disappointment with
CRI for not meeting privately in accordance with Matthew
18 and announcing that they would conduct a unilateral
review of the CRI article situation conducted by four
outside organizations and facilitated by Ken Sande of
Peacemaker ministries.
GFI website statement, no longer online
Editorial note: I have never heard another mention of this proposed review.
Undated, 1999—GFI website message states they would not respond publicly to CRI's "A Matter of Bias?" article, citing their belief that the first article said what needed to be said and indicating a desire not to prolong controversy.
Source: archived GFI webpage
March 1999--The Washington Post published an article on Babywise. The article included real-life examples from GFI's online advice and support Forum message board:
A rumor immediately circulated among GFI
followers, and was posted as true in GFI's Forum message
boards by one of the GFI Forum Administrators, that some
of the examples quoted by the Post came from messages
that were faked by imposters and that the blood mentioned
in the post above was the result of a preexisting medical
condition (compare this with the complete
Source: message board posts on file.
April 1999Ladies' Home Journal "Babies in Danger?" by Jenny Deam detailed the story of the Kambas baby's slow weight gain while using the Ezzos' method, and Ezzo's reaction.
But once Elizabeth came home, "She would cry and cry, but we wouldn't feed her because it wasn't time," Kambas says. "I called the person who taught the class. She said [Elizabeth] was probably just getting used to her schedule."
"We were so stupid," Kambas says, "But I really believed that this program was the most biblically based."
When Elizabeth was five weeks old, she cried so long and hard one night that Kambas became frightened and rushed her to an all-night clinic. The doctor there weighed the baby and discovered that she had gained less than a pound and a half since birth. (Typically a baby has gained more than two pounds by this time.) The doctor turned to Kambas and asked, "What's going on here?" She broke down and told the clinic staff about the feeding schedule she had Elizabeth on.
The doctor was adamant: Kambas had to start feeding Elizabeth more often. That night, she began to feed Elizabeth on demand. In seventeen days the baby gained nearly 5 pounds.
Looking back, Kambas is tormented by the thought of what she did to her baby. "[She] was so little," Kambas says. "We were starving her."
Gary Ezzo is skeptical. He's heard these kind of stories before, and dismisses them as either made up or extremely rare. "We don't teach hunger," he says...."We're an alternative to the last twenty-five to thirty years of runaway permissiveness," he insists. It is not just the popular parenting advice that is being rejected, but the values of the last forty years.
The vast majority of American Academy of Pediatric Fellows
would be right where we are,' he insists.
*Editorial note: this attitude can be compared with the instructions from Prep audio tapes:
Gary: And our folks do not need to feel that they have to convert the entire hospital staff with this first child
AM: (chuckling) No, that's not your job!
--Source: 3rd edition Prep for Parenting Audio Tape #5 "Establishing Your Baby's Routine"
July 29, 1999---GFI announced a temporary closure of the "Forum"--the interactive advice & support message board community on their website.
Aug 1, 1999---Immediate
closure of the GFI Forum advice and support message board
was announced. Behind the scenes
a permanent shutdown was planned while a "temporary"
closure would be announced to the message board community.
Source: documentation on file
August 1999 Ezzo's son in law,
Robert Garcia--GFI's Vice President at the time-- misappropriated
a large sum of GFI money for personal use. Ezzo later
disputed the reported amount of $500,000.
Today "Unprepared to Teach Parenting", and
GFI's privately circulated document "A Response to
Christianity Today: Unprepared to Teach Parenting?"
September 1999 -- Gary approached his pastor at Living Hope Evangelical Fellowship for advice regarding his son-in-law's misappropriation of GFI money.
October 29, 1999 BBC Newsnight interviewed Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo in a segment on GFIduring their speaking tour in Britain.
advice on feeding babies is wrong. Why should we take the
word of, with respect, one nurse against 53,000 registered
pediatric practitioners?
Gary Ezzo: Well, first of all our advice on feeding babies is
identical to the American Academy of Pediatrics...
[Editorial note: Babywise itself contradicts this, saying
"Babywise has brought a needed reformation to pediatric counsel given to new parents." (p.15) ]
December 1999
Ezzo's pastor/elders at LHEF recommended that
he take a "personal and spiritual sabbatical"
to focus energy on repairing broken family relationships
and the crisis within his company. Gary refused and started
to express concerns about LHEF leadership, spreading an
"ever widening circle of lies".
Source: LHEF's
excommunication statement
Feb 2000 The accounting firm of
Hamilton, Boynton and Speakman terminated their 9-year
relationship with GFI. Partner Chris Hamilton's said that
Ezzo misled him personally regarding the firm's investigation
of whether funds were misappropriated.
to Teach Parenting?" Christianity Today, Nov
13, 2000
Mar 9, 2000 The Ezzos informed LHEF that
they were withdrawing from the church, claiming concern
over the elder board's integrity.
Source: Resignation
Letter, dated Mar 9 2000
April 2000 LHEF issued an excommunication statement citing Gary Ezzo's pattern of sin and unrepentent behavior.
May 2000 Mark Severance, Ezzo's
personal assistant, resigned from his position.
Christian Research Journal News Watch
July 2000 Gary's other son
in law, Paul Luedke, resigned his position with GFI.
Source: Christian Research Journal News Watch
July 25, 2000 Dr. John MacArthur
made a public
statement to add the testimony of what had occurred
in his church to what had just occurred at LHEF.
Aug 2000 Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo sent a
report on the church's discipline to supporters, styled as an "Independent Committee Review".
Editorial Note: It was not an independent review in any normal sense of the term: one committee was composed of GFI Regional
Administrators, and the other was
a committee of unnamed supporters. Both groups concluded
they could "continue to affirm" the Ezzos.
Sources: GFI documents: "Independent Committee
Review, July 14, 2000" and "Regional Administrator's
Committee Summary, July 10, 2000
Aug. 16 2000 -- Bob Gaby, Chairman
of the Board of Directors of the Ezzos' non-profit organization
Source: Christian Research Journal, News Watch
Aug. 18 2000 -- Sharon Nelson, MD,
Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Ezzos' non-profit
organization resigned.
Source: Christian Research Journal,
News Watch
Aug 2000 -- Laurie Moody, a "Contact Mom" with the organization, one of the few people associated with GFI to have any training in lactation counseling, resigned over concerns about the material's effect on nursing mothers and babies and concerns about the Ezzos' integrity.
Nov 13, 2000 Christianity Today "Unprepared to Teach Parenting"
Summary: News report of GCC and LHEF statements that Ezzo is unfit for public ministry, Ezzo's excommunication from LHEF, his exaggeration of his qualifications including listing a college degree on an employment application that he doesn't have, the embezzlement of a large sum of money from the company by Ezzo's son in law, and his pattern of harrassment of critics.
Nov 13, 2000 Christianity Today On the Record: Gary Ezzo An interview between CT editor Tim Morgan and Gary Ezzo.
November, 2000 "GFI Responds to Christianity Today" document published on GFI's website. Unfortunately it is no longer on the website.
....For the record, it is enough to say that while members or regular attenders, we have never been dismissed from any church or asked to leave one, including Living Hope. We are members of a well established evangelical fellowship, sitting under normal elder accountability, and have the freedom to minister our gifts. Living Hope accusations have been scrutinized by the GFI regional Administrators. An independent counsel [sic] of four Godly [sic] men have also evaluated the circumstances of these rumors.
To correct some of the less significant comments reported by CT, Gary does have a fully earned Master of Arts degree from Biola University (Talbot Seminary 1985) with a Christian Education emphasis. He has never intentionally mislead [sic] anyone about any other degrees. He does not accept the title "Doctor", in public or private. He was not the pastored [sic] of a church called His Vantage Point* nor has he ever been asked to step down from any church position for "divisive conduct." There is no cover-up of embezzled funds taken from us personally or GFI, we have never reported anyone to the IRS, and yes, to their journalistic credit, World Magazine did publicly apologize to the Ezzos for not getting all the facts right in a story they ran in 1996. (See "From the Publisher," World Magazine April 1997.)
On and on we can go with bits and pieces of error that became the mosaic of CT's story, but do we really need to? Is character really the issue? Or is it the standard we teach?
*Editorial Note: the small church where he served changed names. Ezzo is equivocating over this detail.
January 4, 2001 -- An Open Letter to Multnomah Publishers by Frank York, former editorial director for GFI pressed Multnomah, the publishing house for the Babywise series, to investigate facts brought forward in the CT article.
Feb 2001 GFI circulated an 18 page private response to the Christianity Today article to close followers. It partially mirrored their public response--but added a plethora of vivid details together with many disparaging comments about the article's author and the critics mentioned in the article. One of these, former GFI editorial director Frank York, responded in a public statement .
This private response paper admitted that Ezzo did claim a degree he never earned on an employment application, but justified it by saying he'd already been hired at that point, and the embellishment "suited the purpose for which the information was being requested which was simply establishing an educational benchmark for 1985."
--GKGW, p244
GFI also began sending out "Cyberspace Rumors and the Ezzo's [sic] Church Status":
...There was just a young elder board [at LHEF] that made
some small mistakes and then tried to cover them up..."
Editorial Note: Compare to Ezzo's defense of the LHEF elder board in October 1998, when questions arose due to publication of the statement of his previous church. At that time, Ezzo assured his supporters that he was accountable to this elder board.
March 23, 2001 -- Christianity Today "Babywise Publisher Plans Contract Cancellation"
Summary: After years of persistent controversy surrounding Ezzo and his books, Multnomah took steps toward cancelling Ezzo's contract when the company reluctantly investigated complaints about Gary Ezzo.
Editorial note: Multnomah's president suddenly reversed the decision, saying the investigation was still in process, in a statement posted on Christianity Today's site the same day the cancellation story appeared. In June, the story was updated.
May 16, 2001 -- A Second Open Letter to Multnomah Publishers by Frank York, former editorial director at GFI reminds Multnomah:
June, 2001 -- Christianity Today, in "Babywise Almost Dropped" noted that two Babywise companion books describe Ezzo's coauthor pediatrician Robert Bucknam as a faculty member at the University of Colorado Medical School. School officials say he was never employed there. A member of Dr. Bucknam's office staff explained that medical school residents have visited his practice as observers
July, 2001 -- Multnomah invited Frank York, Eric Abel, John MacArthur, Dave Maddox and the head of Ezzo's former accounting firm to participate in private, individual meetings with Gary to discuss accusations against his character and content concerns regarding Babywise. The meetings, said Multnomah, would fulfill the biblical procedure of Matthew 18 for disputes between two believers. The proposed meetings were to be mediated by Peacemakers Ministries headed by Ken Sande.
Mr. York's response to the invitation reminded Multnomah that the company had a moral obligation to follow through on their investigation of Ezzo's behavior and materials and that the individuals they invited to address Mr. Ezzo weren't speaking out about private personal disputes with Gary Ezzo. Instead, they were witnesses of Ezzo's persistent patterns of sinful behaviors, and as such Matthew 18 (resolving a private matter between two individuals) was not the relevant scripture, 1 Timothy 5 is.
September 11, 2001--America attacked by terrorists
Sept 12, 2001 -- Multnomah announced their "mutual" decision to return publishing rights to Ezzo effective Oct 1, 2001. (The announcement is no longer on the website as of March 2002, but is referred to in this bulletin from the Christian Booksellers Association.)
Oct 1, 2001 -- Multnomah returned publishing rights for the On Becoming series, including Babywise, to Gary Ezzo, ending their business relationship.
Oct 2001 -- In a letter to a supporter,
Gary Ezzo dismissed concerns about several Christian critiques
of Growing Kids God's Way by making disparaging statements
about the authors and offering gossipy, false information.
Ezzo's letter also complained that these authors had misled or withheld
information about their background and credentials;
however the information Ezzo said was missing was either included within
the critique itself or easily available.
Source: letter
posted in internet discussion board, date and origin verified
privately; emails from authors on file. Helpful evaluations
of the facts and logic in the letter are found here,
and here.
Dec 29, 2001 -- WORLD Magazine cover story "Religion: A Year in Review":
Jan 2002 -- new self-published edition of Babywise available from Ezzo's newly formed company "Parentwise Solutions"
Feb 2002--A university professor discovered that material in Ezzo's article, "Parental Affection and Character Development" published on GFI's website had been plagiarized from The Killer Narcissists by psychologist Barbara Lerner (National Review, May 17, 1999).
When this example of plagiarism was publicly criticized, Ezzo added an acknowledgement to his article, characterizing it as an "oversight."
The university professor dryly commented: "We have a lot of "forgetful" students at the university where I work -- that kind of absent-mindedness often draws a one semester suspension. A second offense equals permanent expulsion.."
These are not necessarily legitimate signs of repentance, but ways of making parents think that repentance is genuine. There must still be consequences for wrong behavior. Parents have trained a child to a meaningless repentance when they continuously remove consequences on the basis that the child has confessed or appears repentant."
-- GKGW, p. 231
Summer 2002 -- Gary and Anne Marie
Ezzo moved from Chatsworth, California, leaving behind
their children and grandchildren, to resettle across country
in Charleston, South Carolina. They attend Seacoast
Church which offers a full range of Ezzo parenting courses. Reason given for the move (as reported in newspaper story): Charleston is a friendly place.
Source: Charleston Post and Courier, Oct 13, 2002
August 2002 -- GCC Board of Elders issues statement which reaffirmed:
Source: GCC Board of Elders Statement
Fall 2002 -- New titles and cover
designs given to GFI's religious parenting materials--series renamed "Let the Children
Source: GFI website
November 2002 -- Jennifer and Paul Luedke (one of the Ezzos' daughters and her husband) cut off contact with her parents after much prayer, consideration and counsel, based on their personal observation of the same types of issues raised by the LHEF elders. Their hope is that the relationships will be restored following the Ezzos' repentence. (Editor's note: This has not happened; if it does, it will be noted on this timeline.)
Source: emails on file from Paul Luedke, dated January 25, 2006 and July 31, 2008
-- GKGW, p. 133
February 13-22, 2003 -- Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo visit Australia to encourage the Growing Families Australia team there and to promote On Becoming Childwise in various parts of that country.
November, 2003--Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo visit Singapore to speak at the GFI conference there.
June 2005--Grace Community Church
staff pastor Adam Bailie, writing informally in a message board, reaffirmed GCC's position that
Ezzo was under church discipline when he left GCC,
that Ezzo's children (one of whom attends GCC) have chosen to limit their interaction
with him, and referred readers to 2 official church statements which were attached to the posting. (One about issues with the material itself, and one about issues of character .)
Source: Posting on file.
July 2006--After the public posting was taken down in accordance with Bailie's request, a GFI representative characterized the post as "gossip", "slander", a "splinter/log" situation and accused Bailie of having "stolen" the Ezzos' reputation.
Source: Letter from Tom Reed to Adam Bailie, posted on his website, EzzoTruth.com
August 2008--In the wake of a rumor to the contrary, I verified that Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo remain estranged from their daughters.
Source: Email from Paul Luedke on file